02 mayo 2008

La basura del Dr. Hodari

Anti-abortion activists discover aborted babies, bio-hazardous waste and numerous patient records in the trash dumpster behind Woman Care Abortion Clinic on Southfield Road in Lathrup Village, Michigan. This is one of 5 abortion clinics owned and operated by abortionist Alberto Hodari.

This video was taken only a few hours after pro-lifers from Citizens for a Pro-life Society retrieved several bags of trash from the Hodari trash dumpster on March 2, 2008. It demonstrates that Hodari and Woman Care clinic was in fact throwing aborted babies in the trash with patient records and bio-hazardous waste.

The film records the pro-lifers as they searched through the trash bags. What they discover is described by Monica Migliorino Miller--director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society--as they found the babies, the patient records and bio-hazardous waste.

At this time Alberto Hodari is under investigation and may be charged with violating Michigan state laws. Several news articles and TV news stories have appeared regarding the Woman Care abortion clinic scandal. Check out Detroit News and Detroit Free Press, as well as The Oakland Press and Observer/Eccentric Newspapers

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